Sunday, June 22, 2008

Ahad-ku :) It's not the End.

I woke up today really determined to swim at Kelab Rekreasi Petroleum (KRP) Everyone was out as early as 7am to their own destination (everyone means my housemates. That exclude Izza since she's away for a vacation)

So there I was, lengkap with swimming suit underneath my jeans and jacket at kelab yang sunyi sepi, and tengok2 ada abang tengah cuci the pool. Went to the counter, "the pool opens at 8.30am kak". Sigh...

Maka, marilah kita pergi makan Mee Kolok dulu :) And finally, i decided 10 laps of swimming after mee kolok is not a good idea. So, next destination - Rumah! Hehehe... Ni yang ada kat depan PC and in front of the TV as well, typing and watching Hallmark channel.

Aduhai, patheticnye my life in Miri. Sabarjelah haku...

Whoppps-y! It's not yet the end.

Turns out, a trip to facial is the way to go. Hehehehe...
Well, i decided after my trip to Kota Kinabalu for Borneo Games, my skin is so menyakitkan hati. The sun-burnt on top of hormon yang mengeluarkan all jerawats and blackheads. Eiww! Eiwww pun atas muka I ni jugak, sabojele.

Anyway, this time i don't want to do the weird asap resdung thing. Aduh, last time i did I was choking to death takleh nak bernafas. Tolong! So no more this time. While i was trying to avoid the near-death-choking-incident, I have to go through another painful procedure. Well, it was just the normal exfoliating/digging the bumps on this cute face of mine tapi aduh, SAKITNYA MAK! Every dot of my face dikorek2 ke akar umbi. I don't know what the hell she's doing (of course, my eyes were closed at all times) but it was so damn painful!

So kepada rakan-rakan ofis yang membaca this blog, jangan terkejutlah tengok muka ini esok hari. ada extra merah :) hehehe... But the thing is, I know that it's clean. No more bumps, and no kicap (She said, takut scar. OK)

And then, trip to Giant and guardian. do some groceries shopping. Dah middle of the year, semua pun dah abis. So there I was, muka macam tepung gomak (again! she put on something like bedak sejuk with moisturizer thing. hape2lah) membeli-belah. Beli sabun basuh pun dikira retail therapy :) hihi...

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